What type of jobs are on offer?

Job opportunities with our Talent Seekers...

Who are our Talent Seekers?

Our Talent Seekers are the employers on our platform who use Day One to find candidates!

What kind of work is on offer?

Our Talent Seekers offer a wide range of work, including:

  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • Temporary
  • Contract
  • Hybrid
  • Remote
  • On-site

What roles and sectors do you cover?

We work with Talent Seekers from various industries, each with unique needs. Currently, we are focusing on digital-based roles, such as:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Customer Service
  • Data & Cyber Security

However, we are planning to expand to more areas soon - so stay tuned for updates!

Are all your opportunities in the UK?

At the moment, we are only working with UK companies. However - If you are interested in opportunities in a specific area, please let us know using the form below. We will contact you if we begin working with companies in your area.